How We Treat Scoliosis

At South Florida Scoliosis Center, our mission is to empower individuals with scoliosis to take control of their health and transform their lives. We offer a unique, non-bracing, non-surgical solution that is both effective and safe. Our advanced treatment protocols, developed by the CLEAR™ Institute, are designed to not only minimize scoliosis curves but, when treated in the early stages, to correct them entirely.


We create personalized treatment plans to correct scoliosis for both children and adults using state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment, bio-vibration protocols, and customized exercise routines. Our approach targets the root of the condition, offering a long-term, sustainable path to spinal health.

How We Treat Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a complex condition that affects everyone differently, so it’s crucial to diagnose and treat each patient based on their unique needs. At South Florida Scoliosis Center, we use the innovative CLEAR™ Method, a cutting-edge protocol designed to correct scoliosis without invasive procedures. Our customized treatment plans are tailored to each patient, ensuring the most effective care for every individual.

South Florida Scoliosis Center-how-we-treat-scoliosis

Accurate Diagnosis With X-rays

Before beginning treatment, we gather crucial information about the biomechanics of the entire spine, not just the area affected by scoliosis. Scoliosis impacts how the entire spine functions, which is why understanding what happens in the neck and hips is essential to addressing the spinal curvature.


Seven precise X-rays are taken to capture this information: three side views of the neck, a side view of the lower back, two frontal views of the neck, and one frontal view of the lower back. These X-rays provide the detailed data we need to customize your treatment.


MIX – Preparing the Spine

In the MIX phase, we warm up the spine using advanced techniques, including the Active Rehabilitation Chair, Cervical Traction, and Vibrating Traction. We also use a special motorized table, the Eckard Flexion/Distraction Table, which gently pulls the scoliotic curves out of the spine. These steps help to relax and re-structure the ligaments, making it easier to correct spinal misalignments.


FIX – Chiropractic Adjustments

Once the spine is primed, patients receive precise chiropractic adjustments using specialized instruments and drop pieces. These adjustments, performed according to the patient’s X-rays, reduce the force required to correct the spine while maximizing precision. Our non-invasive CLEAR™ protocols use mechanical instruments to adjust the neck, ensuring minimal discomfort and enhanced results.


SET – Stabilizing the Spine

After the adjustment, we ensure that the spine is stabilized in its corrected position. This SET phase uses techniques such as spinal weighting (on the head and hips), whole-body vibration therapy, the Scoliosis Traction Chair, and gait therapy to retrain movement patterns. These steps ensure that the corrections made to the spine are long-lasting.

Follow-Up X-rays

After the first 12 visits, post-treatment X-rays are taken to measure the progress of the treatment. While not every patient shows a reduction in the scoliotic curve immediately, it’s important to note that scoliosis is a three-dimensional condition, and improvement often begins by de-rotating and decompressing the spine in all dimensions before reducing the curve.

Active Home Care – Key to Long-Term Success

Active participation in the CLEAR™ program is critical for achieving lasting results. Research shows that patients who follow their home care routines experience 2-3 times more effective outcomes. Our treatment is an “active” process, where the patient is engaged in their own care, performing specific exercises and therapies designed by the doctor. This active involvement contrasts with “passive” treatments like bracing or surgery, where the doctor performs the procedure on the patient. In CLEAR™ treatment, the patient’s degree of participation directly influences their degree of improvement.

About Bracing Treatments

At South Florida Scoliosis Center, we do not recommend bracing as part of the CLEAR™ treatment program. Studies have shown that bracing may weaken postural muscles, which are essential for maintaining spinal corrections. The CLEAR™ protocol strengthens these muscles, allowing for a more effective and lasting treatment. While we don’t condemn bracing, our specialty is in spinal biomechanics and postural rehabilitation, and we focus on active treatment methods that empower the patient.

Post-Surgical Treatment

Patients who have undergone scoliosis surgery can still benefit from CLEAR™ treatment, though the focus will be on symptomatic relief and functional improvement rather than curve correction. We do not recommend rod removal surgery, as it can lead to muscle atrophy, making it difficult to maintain any corrections achieved through treatment.


At South Florida Scoliosis Center, we are committed to offering innovative, personalized, and non-invasive scoliosis treatments that help patients of all ages achieve better spinal health and improved quality of life.

Contact us today to learn more about how the CLEAR™ Method can help you or your loved ones manage scoliosis!